Services Study Models Basic, Enhanced, and Finished Models. Also in 3D! Retainers Hawley bows, Adams Clasps, Finger Springs, Pontics, Custom Colors, Designs and more! Splints & Guards Hard Splint, 50/50 Hard/Soft, Sport Guards, Invisible Retainer, Bleaching Trays and more! Functional Appliances Schwartz, Bionator, Saggital, Riconator,Ortho Corrector, Head Gear Tubes and more! Lingual Arches Lingual Arch, Transpalatal Arch, Sheaths, Brackets, Piston/Pendelum Screws and more! Space Maintainers Bands w/ Coil Springs or Threaded Wire, Band & Loop, Indirect Banding and more! Space Regainers Palatal Expander, Bonded Hyrax Jack, Removable Quads w/ Bands, Single Arm RPE and more! 3D Printing Send files for 3D Printing Work/Study Model Set and build Appliances!